August 28, 2021

Work inside a software firm

Hi friends

I would like to share few things through this post, I have been worked in many software firms from product based company to service based company. Small firms to large firm, even MNC's. I feel like some small firms are good to work. 

As a contract employee in an MNC, Some manager behaves to us like we are slaves. They know our aim is to get a permanent job in that firm they will use this as opportunity and keep adding works to us. We were in such a situation we want to ask a small time break in public holidays as well.

This covid situation has changed the way the work environment, most employees under the surverlience camera of managers, micromanagement or mental stress what ever we can call, some point these might me the reason for the most of the disease the employees are suffering now, they even intentially forget this work from home is due the pandemic situation, the HR team will keep silent.

I saw peoples crying due to their sudden termination, I read newspaper posting news of IT peoples suicides. Some people simply quit this profession.

In the coming post I will mention the company name as well as the managers.

August 21, 2021

How to get httprequest inside controller of spring boot

private @Autowired HttpServletRequest request;

HttpServletRequest curRequest = 
((ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.currentRequestAttributes())

August 14, 2021

How to get the Path Variables from a URL inside a Spring interceptor

How to get the Path Variables in URL inside a Spring interceptor

  •              Assume the URI is http://javabelazy/status/{statusId} and our interceptor is registered for this URI.
  •               This map would then be a map of a elements,with keys 'statusId ' 

public class JWTInterceptor extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter{
  public boolean preHandle(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response, final Object handler)
  throws Exception

    final Map<String, String> pathVariables = (Map<String, String>) request
               final Integer status = Integer.valueOf(pathVariables.get("statusId"));

August 08, 2021

MyG Digital | The best electronic online store | cheating shared in instagram | iphone cheating

A viral video shared by pb dileep in instagram

August 07, 2021

Tikdata coding test solution

input txt is a file  with data known as ‘tickData’. This file consists of several columns. For this question we will consider only "STOCK","LTP","TIME" columns. Rest columns and values

can be ignored.
There are two task you need to perform :

TASK 1 : Convert tickData file in OHLC File :

tick data is the price of the particular stock at any given time. you need to group the data for each stock for each minute and find its Open (first price in that minute) ,
High (highest price in that minute), Low (lowest price in that minute), close(last price of that minute) for that minute. This is called OHLC (open/high/low/close) data.

In a minute we can receive the price of the stocks for upto 100 times.(Not fixed)

"NQ" 6972.75 AM
"NQ" 6974.25 AM
"NQ" 6975.25 AM
"NQ" 6973.75 AM
"NQ" 6974.25 AM

For given input above, Output will be

STOCK Open High Low Close TIME
NQ 6972.75 6972.75 6972.75 6972.75 01-NOV-18 AM
NQ 6974.25 6975.25 6974.25 6975.25 01-NOV-18 AM
NQ 6973.75 6974.25 6973.75 6974.25 01-NOV-18 AM

Basically take all prices for the stock in a particular minute, Find its open, high, low, close and print it along with a time and stock name (tab separated).

TASK 2 :

Now since you have OHLC data with you from step 1, you need to calculate the zScore for the stocks. please follow the steps given below to find the zScore of the stocks at a given minute.

1. At any given minute, take the last 20 close prices for that stock. e.g. If we're calculating zScore for 08:20:00 AM , we will take all close prices for the stock from 08:00:00 to 08:19:00.
2. Since we have a list of the last 20 close prices, we will calculate average and standard deviation of the close prices.
3. Now we have average and standard deviation of last 20 prices and current minutes data as well. so zScore = (current_close - average)/standard_deviation;

Consider from Task 1 you got the following OHLC data. (This is sample Data only for explanation and not actual data)

Stock open high low close time
NQ 100 100.2 99 100.2 01-NOV-18 AM
NQ 100 101.2 99 101.2 01-NOV-18 AM
NQ 100 100.2 99 99 01-NOV-18 AM
NQ 100 100.2 99 100 01-NOV-18 AM
NQ 100 100.2 99 100.2 01-NOV-18 AM
NQ 100 100.2 99 100.2 01-NOV-18 AM
NQ 100 100.2 99 100 01-NOV-18 AM
NQ 100 100.2 99 100.2 01-NOV-18 AM
NQ 100 100.2 99 100.2 01-NOV-18 AM
NQ 100 103 99 103 01-NOV-18 AM
NQ 100 100.2 99 100.2 01-NOV-18 AM
NQ 100 100.2 99 100.2 01-NOV-18 AM
NQ 100 100.2 99 100.2 01-NOV-18 AM
NQ 100 100.2 99 100.2 01-NOV-18 AM
NQ 100 100.2 99 100.2 01-NOV-18 AM
NQ 100 100.2 99 100.2 01-NOV-18 AM
NQ 100 100.2 99 100.2 01-NOV-18 AM
NQ 100 100.2 99 100.2 01-NOV-18 AM
NQ 100 100.2 99 100.2 01-NOV-18 AM
NQ 100 100.2 99 100.2 01-NOV-18 AM
NQ 100 100.2 99 100.2 01-NOV-18 AM

Now if we wish to calculate zScore at 01-NOV-18 AM, We will take previous 20 close prices i.e. From 01-NOV-18 AM to 01-NOV-18 AM.
Calculate average of the prices and standard_deviation for the same.
average = 100.31
standard_deviation = 0.72974
zScore  = (100.2-100.31)/0.72974 = -1.5073

Output should be:

Stock zScore time
NQ -1.5073 01-NOV-18 AM
and so on.


#MygDigital cheating

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