August 15, 2015

How to use pivot table in msoffice excel

Working with Pivot table in microsoft office excel

The Pivot Table in Microsoft Office Excel will make you analyze and summarize a large set of data very quickly. Pivot Table is considered to be a powerful feature in Microsoft Office Excel. You can also present data in variety of ways through pivot table. Here i m sharing a MS Excel Pivot table tutorial Or the scope of Pivot table in Excel.



Choose the table you need to summarize/analyse.

Pivot Table Data
Creating Pivot table in MS office excel

Create a pivot table for that data : - Go to Insert tab >>  Pivot Table  >>  Create Pivot Table.
A window will be open now, where you have to show the data table. (Please omit the blank column in data table)

Pivot table property window
Creating Pivot Table in M S Office Excel

Choose the data that you want to analyze.

Table / Range : You have to show the data table ( Prefer the data table with header)

Pivot table property window
Creating Pivot Table in MS Office Excel

Choose the field to add in the report : just tick on branch name and amount. A new table with a column will be created having amount under branch name.

Creating Pivot Table in MS Office Excel
Creating Pivot Table in MS Office Excel

If you need to show branch name and sum of amount in separate columns just drag the field amount from row table to sigma function area. ( dragging option in right bottom ). Now the data table will change like below.

Pivot table summarization
Creating Pivot Table in MS Office Excel

These are another types of reports created using the same data using Pivot table in Microsoft Office Excel.

Pivot table analzyse
Creating Pivot Table in M S Office Excel

pivot table report in excel
Creating Pivot Table in MS Office Excel

Author : +belazy

Hope you enjoy the code.

another pivot table example

Thanks to +Shimjith  +Vipin Cp  and +deepajayaprakash payyanakkal  for their supports

@consumerfed  +consumerfed

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